Cutler’s Sustainability Journey
Sustainability is a journey.
Taking the first steps, however small, is what is important.
At Cutler, our big-picture goal is to be a zero-waste company.
This is a commitment that starts with all of us. We have an opportunity to lead our industry and take care of our customers, our community, and our environment.
Today people expect more from brands and we want to be more. It’s our job to communicate why and be transparent about the decisions we make. Together, we can make the right choices for ourselves, for the community, and for the planet. We are on this journey together.
The beauty industry sends 877lbs worth of waste to landfills every minute, in U.S. and Canada alone.
Cutler collects and recycles 95% of its beauty waste produced across our five locations; Soho, Brooklyn, 58th st, Arlo, and West Hollywood. We are doing our bit to collect hair, excess hair color, hair foils, and other aluminum products; all of which can be recycled.
Hair today …and tomorrow
Most commonly, hair is thrown away and tossed into landfills across the country.
Cutler collects 100% of our in-salon hair waste and the hair is repurposed in several different ways:
• Used to create hair booms that help to clean up oil spills in the ocean.
• Turned into bio-compost plastic to make products like recycling bins.
• Research and develop new technology like insulation and storm water filtration.
• Made into products to be used for humanitarian efforts, like pillows.
Surprisingly salons produce a lot of excess color waste. At Cutler, excess color is collected and repurposed into clean energy or be separated into water and oil.
The water is cleaned and returned to the water system and the oil is blended into fuel.
For aluminum the options are infinite
Did you know that Aluminum is infinitely recyclable!
We collect all metal products such as aerosol cans, used color tubes, and used foil. This is huge because is usually very difficult to recycle these metal products when they have color on them.
The waste management company sorts them by grade and type and melt the metal down into aluminum sheets or bars. Those sheets or bars will be used to make new products.
Our sustainability practices don’t stop there!
At Cutler, we are continuing to implement new eco-friendly habits and items across all locations. For example, we have partnered with Sustain Beauty to include eco-heads in all our washbasins that reduce water usage by up to 65%!
Our goal is to be a zero-waste salon business. By going zero waste Cutler is not only saving energy but also helping to protect Our planet’s health and our ecosystem.
Between all five Cutler locations, we are collecting 500lbs of recyclable waste each month.
For over 20 years, Cutler has led the salon industry through innovation and creativity. Today, we continue to lead by setting new standards for sustainable operations. This is an opportunity for us to find new ways to take care of our customers, our community, and our environment.